
Pandora's Box

Studies at the Brain Research Institute of the University of California, funded directly by the CIA, their Pandora project which attained an entire catalougue of various brain signals produced. These indicated particular actions, emotions and pathological states of the mind. The Pandora project realised when targeting microwaves as specific signals at the victims brains, they began to experience the moods, behaviour or pathalogical states carried by the signals, uncontrollable of their own actions. So while mimicking natural brain frequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotley using extremely low frequency broadcast through microwave beams. A very quick search for psychotronics will guide you to equipment such as voice to skull directed acoustic devices. These are neuroelectric non-lethal weapons which have the ability to produce mood altering sounds in person's head. You will also find Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) which uses satellite transmitted extra low frequenci

Vulture Funds

“Vulture funds; Wealthy foreign investors buy up distressed sovereign debt at pennies on the dollar – typically at a 90% discount – then reap vast profits when those debts are repaid in full. One trick is to make sure that influential locals (aka Economic Hitmen) are secretly part of the investor group buying the discounted debt: these locals will then do battles inside the developing country governments to make sure the debts get paid in full. Their involvement, of course, must be hidden behind a shield of offshore secrecy, so that the impoverished nation’s citizens can never find out how their nation’s wealth was stolen…  … Economists have not ignored these issues entirely, but they almost always break them down into discrete, country level local problems that only blame corrupt local elites. These matter of course but such analyses doubt what all the disasters have in common. Offshore. .. Two bodies set rules and models and standards in this field: the OECD (Organisation for Economi

Competing with the Jones's

"Their competion with the Jones's,  is a slaves ownership,  corrupt with GDP sadist destructive? That's why I apply DIY GPI, Terraforming Paradise." Genuine progress indicator (GPI) is a economic metric suggested to replace our gross domestic product (GDP). Compared to our currently applied GDP, the GPI fully respects and wishes to maintain the well-being of a nation, other than considering colonisation and warfare as profitable, for which the GDP is prominent.  The concept of the GPI splits the value of society's motion from economic growth.

Analysis of the Televised Revolution from my distance

The immediate gratification of almost anywhere at the touch of your worn out psychotronic button, the death of exchange value, the absence of hemisphere followed by an annihilation of seductions distance. Hidden bangers and salad beyond the horizons that seem reduced to a net village, left with the critical analysis of the average dick head, base chakra language on a one star dessert all day, gradually appearing obvious yet performing denial in public? An oblivion of the social political with the velocity of ignorance eventually reaching nihilism, conforming to and reinforcing those running vulture loan funding's, with a body count of 60.000 a day, are evident of the predatory. Pseudo institutions for monsters such as the United Nations, established to protect the 3rd World, yet sabotaged by the whores of Satan for decades, are now exposed raping profit from war torn refugee children. (1) Conclusion:  The televised revolution obviously evaluates to the most exstensive c

Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes

The persuit of happiness remains evidently an objective condition where personal feelings can get hurt with no indictment; Life's vibe here demands a unity that societies class divisions and nations fails to notice. Since this remains the nature of our history, a 'bellum omium contra omnes', with a budget for happiness that coexists along the suffering of others.  We have outlived a golden age of emancipation for which our ancestors were slaved through time for our sake, yet somewhere in that spiral of time it appears, impatient desire sold our emancipation.  At a certain time one should ask themselves what stimulates their partner. Perhaps they could wish for the remains of the Arts and Humanities to fund a redecoration of the local church, while the goldfish bowl effect of general neighbourhood planning competes with those they once loved as neighbours, now beyond their own mutation on the dark web.