Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes
The persuit of happiness remains evidently an objective condition where personal feelings can get hurt with no indictment; Life's vibe here demands a unity that societies class divisions and nations fail to notice. Since this remains the nature of our history, their alpha performance delivers no more than 'bellum omium contra omnes', with a budget for happiness that coexists along the suffering of others.
We have outlived a golden age of emancipation for which our ancestors were exploited through time for our sake, yet somewhere in that spiral of time it appears, impatient desire sold our emancipation.
At a certain time one should ask themselves what stimulates their partner. Perhaps they could wish for the remains of the Arts and Humanities to fund a redecoration of the local church, while the goldfish bowl effect of general neighbourhood planning competes with those they once loved as neighbours, now beyond their own mutation on the dark web.