Faggots Katharsis

"The aesthetic necessity of art supersedes the terrible necessity of reality, sublimates its pain and pleasure; the blind suffering and cruelty of nature... assuming meaning and end...

The horror of crucifixion is purified by the beautiful fact of Jesus dominating the beautiful composition, the horror of politics by the beautiful verse of Racine... everything is in order again. The indictment is cancelled, and even defiance is cancelled, insult, and derision. 

The extreme negation of art - fail into temptation to this order. With their restoration of order, they acheive a Katharsis - the terror and pleasure of reality are purified.. achieving only a false, illusory, fictional art... in reality fear and frustration go on undebated. This is the self defeat built into art... 

..Was the Parthenon worth the suffering of a single slave?" 

(Marcuse, 1978: 49-50).

Conclusion: Puke

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